December 3, 2008

35th Hour

Mission: Event Poster

This is a poster I created for the San Francisco Zoo - Wild Nights Program (the quality is better in Illustrator). After 35 hours of pumping out sketches, comps, and proofs, I was finally able to finish my poster. This project taught me the true meaning of progress.

All my classmates said my poster was very "cute," exactly what I was going for. Now, it's time to try Cool. haha.


Lany said...

it's cool. i like it.

Anonymous said...

oooohhh, very cute!

Unknown said...

well, i guess it's okay...i liked it a lot more before you told me to go on your blog and give you a glowing comment about it....

Unknown said...

Anna: this looks professional. I'm serious! The image, color palette, font -- all perfect for this particular program at the SF Zoo. You should send it to them (if they didn't already commission you to do it!).

I can't wait to see "cool."

Caroline Ryu said...

looks great, anna!! :)